Cars - Pagani Zonda shadow bug

There is a shadow bug on the Pagani Zondas hood,whenever you remove the factory paint, it is only on the normal Pagani Zonda

Only happens in free roam

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@ThatOneQuail Which Pagani Zonda is this happening for? The Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster 2009 or Pagani Zonda R 2010?

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Decided to try this one on my side to see if this still occurs, it does

Steps to replicate the issue:

  1. Select the Pagani Zonda Cinque
  2. Go to “Paint Car”
  3. While “Paint Body” is highlighted, go to “Advanced” and select “Paint Group 1”
  4. Set the paint to any non-standard paint (In my example: Black)
  5. Save that paint to the current car, then exit the Festival/House Enviroment (This issue does not occur within the Festival/House enviroment)

The Stripe should appear at the front of the car once those steps are done.


I have been having this same issue since day one. Also one of the carbon side skirts on the left side of the 2017 Nissan Skyline is also discolored. And on the 2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 at the very top of the back window bay there is some slight discoloration there as well. It is a bit of annoyance but not really game breaking. Hopefully these small details will be fixed. If not well, Don’t let it bother you too much. It is just a video game after all.


Great attention to detail for pointing these out mate! I would highly recommend making a post about it under report new issues. This would be really beneficial for the devs, the beautiful cars and the community.

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Closing this issue as Will Not Fix. The developers have noted this issue as Too minor for prioritization at this time

Thank you,