Cars - Mercedes-AMG One - Brake Calipers clipping through Rims

The 2021 Mercedes-AMG One has a weird issue where the Brake Calipers are clipping through a ton of different rims if you change them.

I initially thought it might just be restricted to the newer rims not being offset properly for this car but the issue is present on rims that have been ingame since Launch.

It affects both the Front and Rear Rims but primarily seems to be focused on the rear.

The Clipping ranges from very subtle where you probably need to Zoom in with the Photo Mode in Forzavista to notice some of the Spokes clipping…

…to very much not Subtle at all

These are all the Rims where I noticed some degree of Clipping. If anyone else knows any I’ve missed then please comment below.

Apologies about the poor lighting and not particularly zoomed in shots but it took a while to double-check everything and I didn’t want to spam two detailed photos for each rim showing exactly where the clipping is.

If the Photo is angled then it’s angled towards the area where the clipping is.

Sport Rim Style

Multi-Piece Rim Style

Specialised Rim Style

So again very good game testing.

It is just the cover car but whatever!

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I think this is fairly recent, I first started seeing mentions of it last week so I’m not sure what changed then.

If this has been in here since launch then I have no clue how people didn’t notice it lol

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There is no way this was in since launch. I go thru every rim every time I buy a new car to see which ones look best and I never once noticed this. This is from newest update. Or whatever update it was when added new rims. And even if the clipping is on older rims. Then I would automatically assume that it was a bug introduced to those older rims via this update.