Cars - Ferrari F40 1987- Turbo gauge does not fluctuate between 0.8 and 1.5 (1686441)

The F-40’s turbo gauge is supposed to hit the mark between 0.8 and 1.5 boost pressure.

Instead, the turbo gauge needle rises then falls back to 0.8 which doesn’t make any sense at all because you’re accelerating with full turbo and gaining speed.

It irks me how you guys can’t get the little details right and this bug has been there since before FM 6!

Wow… Reported last year and still not fixed? I’m driving the car fully upgraded and the turbo needle lazily rises then falls right back to zero even though I’m flooring it!

Please get the little details right. Was an issue on the XB One FM games too.

I think the title needs to be revisited. Should say “turbo needle fluctuates between…”.

I think that’s a typo.