Cars - Abarth 124 Spider 2017 - Broken livery mapping (1727555)

Compared to Horizon 5 where the livery mapping had no issues, in Forza Motorsport, this car has major livery mapping issues.

1: Right hand side, front of car gets mirrored to left hand side partly. This also mirrors stickers.
Right side:

Left side:

2: Left / L top side of front bumper has no mapping (you cannot place stickers there), and right / R top side of front bumper mirrors all stickers to left side. Manufacturer stickers demonstrate this issue perfectly as you cannot flip / mirror them.
(The orange stripe sticker 4, shown on top of the car is not part of issue #1, just chose a similar colour to RHS of car by accident. The inner black stripe is sticker 2 and outer one is sticker 3, same length as 2, and it stops on the edge of hood / bumper.)

Manufacturer sticker mirroring example.

For comparison, Forza Horizon 5, where you can see issues #1 and #2 does not exist. The outer black line is shorter on purpose to show that it does not stop on the hood / bumper edge.

We are closing out this issue. The developers have noted this issue as Fixed as of Update 14 on 11.04.24

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