Career Loading times

It takes forever to load into most career races. I’m just sitting there eyeballing the black screen with the spinning wheel for up to 30-40 seconds, sometimes more.

On the fuel adjustment screen, it takes forever for the telemetry to show the adjusted values. Like, up to 45 secs or more. Then you want to adjust it some more and again it makes you wait 30 secs or so! It happens in nearly all career races.

T10, you have got to fix these load time issues on Series X!

I never felt them to be overly egregious. I also don’t remember black screens. Granted, I can’t verify right now as I’m at work, but the way I remember it is there always being something (not just blackness) on my screen. I’m on Series X.

I’m referring to the black screen with diagonally animated lines and spinning wheel. It’s a “loading screen” not some black screen of CTD, lol


Sometimes I have a similar issue in career mode when I skip practice (after starting it or not). Sometimes this black loading screen is just very long (2+ minutes), but sometimes it’s endless.

It happens since September, I think.


This issue happened on the first race of EVERY series for me (but not on subsequent races in the same series), but the issue went away for me with the last update and still does not happen with the BMW update.
Are you still encountering the issue yourself?

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I forgot about this thread… I don’t experience this issue anymore too :slight_smile:

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Loading times in career are still all over the place the last time I checked. They have yet to improve on that aspect.