Car club activities?

Hi all. I’m new to Horizon on the 360 (don’t have a XB1), have only been playing about two weeks, since downloading via the recent XBL sale ($10 great deal!). Thinking about joining a car club, have a few questions.

I am familiar with clubs, as I had rented Forza 4 late last year. Somebody must have seen me racing online, and sent a club invite, which I joined. The little I remember from that, there were challenges for club member race times, and sharing cars for online races. Beyond that, what are the benefits to being a club member?

I’ve seen mention of car meets & cruises. Are these via private club-only online sessions?

Assuming everybody uses headsets, do you just cruise around, chatting as you drive?
(I have a headset, but have rarely used it.)

Are there club member-only challenges & races during these cruises?

Has there been any discussion of a Horizon 2-360 car club on this forum?

Question not related to clubs directly: As a non-club member right now, when I do rival challenges after SP races, do those people get a notification that I have beat their time? I have beaten a number of these rival challenges, but have yet to get a rival notice in my messages.

Thanks in advance!

The only difference of being in a club or not is that you can share cars with each other and you can rival their speedtrap and speedzone records, there are no special “club activities” in the game.

As for online cruising, you can of course make a private session and invite your club members, if they have microphones you can talk to them if you like.

The open cruise lobbies are very diverse. Some only allow you to join when you’re talking to the other people in the lobby, some don’t allow you to talk. Most of the so-called “cruise” lobbies contain people trying to show the world that, just like everyone else in this game, they have a fast car. You rarely see a cruise lobby with people actually cruising in normal/tuned cars or even sports cars. If you’re trying to find such lobbies you should ask some friends, online you’ll probably not find anybody that wants to do that.

Also, you don’t recieve messages about rivals being beaten after completing singleplayer races, you only get notifications if one of your friends or club members beats your speed at a speedtrap.

P.S. If you’re looking for a club i can invite you to mine if you’d like, or you could go to this thread:

Thanks for the plug for our club.

Thanks very much for the info, much appreciated! Yeah, I was wondering if players would just take a casual cruise around the map with a street car. Saw that TTiD club thread. I’d be interested in your club, how many members are in it? I’m a casual player, at this point only looking for rival challenges & sharing cars. Not to sure on doing online sessions and co-op challenges yet. The three years I have been gaming on my 360 have been mostly single-player, but did quite a bit of SSX rival time & score challenges, which would be similar to Horizon rivals. I did have some good ‘pure skills’ sessions on Horizon, those were fun, but lots of bumping & banging trying to get to front of the pack.

My club isn’t that big, we only have 3 or 4 members, but there is a reason for that. We have made a club to share the most expensive cars in the game, like the 250 California and 250 GTO. one of our club members is now unavailable as his Gold subscription ran out last week, but he’s fixing that right now. I myself do a lot of online lobbies as i have a 100% completed save with over 220 cars, so if you’re interested in the club or the online lobbies just send me a message over XBL with this username as my gamertag.

P.S. No problem for the info, just trying to help everybody on the forums with problems or things that they don’t know :slight_smile: