everytime I try to connect to an online Forza live session it gives me Network Diagnostics, tells me unable to join session,
Support ID : 1e80bec6-6ed7-4515-9258-070abf2ff4b4
Server ID :. b2238fb6-081c-4401-95c8-c1f7f5e05680
Quality of connection : success (15 locations)
Region : North Central us (0.047s)
ISPEC :. 0x800735ee
Failed to resolve server address check your DSN settings and try again. I have and my internet is fine. Please help!
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Looks like this patch didn’t fix the DNS error for me also…I tried like 30+ solutions so far, NAT,Teredo and everything else is fine but still cant join multiplayer. It sucks that its only working with that slow/laggy VPN…