Can Not Preview Mexico Custom Blueprint Routes while on Eventlab Island

Bug Info: Pretty straightforward- we can’t preview custom routes in the eventlab search for mexico while on the eventlab island (you can preview eventlab island routes while in Mexico). Additionally, rally adventure blueprint routes can not be previewed from Mexico or the Eventlab Island.

Platform: (Series X)
Edition: (Premium)
Account: (solo account)
Attempted fixes: (None)
Content Update: Both


@YandereKissu Would you be willing to post a screenshot or video of this? This will help with investigating this issue.

Thank you,

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Clip from today:

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None of those are custom mexico eventlab blueprint routes.

Please learn to read more carefully and not hijack important threads with misinformation and 0 real investigation- thank you.

You’re right, I should read more carefully but I didn’t hijack anything. This is most likely caused by the same issue - not seeing any Mexico routes from the EventLab island. However, you could also actually contribute to any of your “important” threads by submitting videos instead of jumping to conclusions- thank you.

Please disregard the other reply to your post. I will post a screenshot soon when I get off work.

Please do not close this topic or thread. Thank you.

You’ve contributed absolutely nothing to do with this thread or fixing this issue.

Thanks and goodbye.

Both screenshots were taken while on the eventlab island.

As you can see, it is not possible to load a route preview of a custom eventlab blueprint for mexico or sierra nueva while on the eventlab island.

Do you also need a video or will this suffice?