Host: Brokenvegetable
Contest Info:
Your car MUST NOT contain any words in its model. The model of the car is the second line under the make of the car when you go to buy a car from the game. The letters in the Model CANNOT spell a real word found in any language.
Example of cars allowed: GTO 250, MX-5, DBS… and so on
Example of cars NOT allowed: One-77, Atom 500 V8, RS 7 Sportback…and so on (yes if the make is in the model of the car on the buy screen that counts)
You MUST post your photo in this thread
No editing your photo outside of Forza unless it is to flip it.
You can post as many updates to your photo as you want but whatever photo you have on 3/22/14 is the one I will use
Any type of shot is allowed, on track or in homespace
The type of car MUST be visible and identifiable
Forza 5 entries only
There will be 1st,2nd and 3rd place winners
1st place - 100k in Forza 5
2nd place - 100k in Forza 5
3rd place - 100k in Forza 5
Turn 10 has sponsored my photo contest for this month. Thank you Turn 10 for allowing me to keep giving back to the community.
Get your own sponsored contest by going here …