I was just wondering if it is ever going to be in Forza 5 and I was hoping that someone from T10 would read this.
User Created lobbies for me and alot of others was the only reason I used to play Forza 4 and enjoy it. It used to be a place where you could make new friends who enjoy the same type of things you do and you could play game modes which were very entertaining, such as street drags, cops and robbers and general cruises around maps like Le Mans.
Please leave some feedback so this post gets popular and T10 reads it.
turn ten (well the mods atleast) have already read it many times. i’m not psychic but even i can predict “use the features wish list” , “fb@forzamotorsports.net” or both and a lock. its not that they dont know trust me.
yeah I would imagine we will be able to search USER CREATED lobbies, it’s just another case of Turn 10 being rushed by Microsoft and putting out an incomplete game. I don’t think it’s that they want to take it away from us, just they haven’t had time to get this working yet.
As long as improvements are being made and problems looked at thats good with me, I can’t think of any other game that has continued to do this much development after the game was sold which is very nice, but also deserved due to missing functionality.
Sit tight 'till Forza 6. Turn 10 had to do a lot of development in not a whole lot of time, so a lot of features got cut. They can say that those features are missing for other reasons 'till they’re blue in the face but IMO it was time constraints. FM6 will be back on point, I hope.
I would love to be able to scroll through open user created lobbies or search for a specific type of lobby. This would be a great addition. I did not play FM4 much so I don’t remember what it was like there.
I agree they need to add this feature back it’s a big reason why so many have not baught this game yet it’s quit boaring and replay value is low without it to the reply of hang out till forza 6 lol that’s a joke why should we want to wait that long they can put it in I’m sure it’s not that big of a deal and until they do I haven’t baught any doc at all it’s a waist of money for me and many others without this feature and like I said so many won’t buy this game till it’s back so many have went back to forza 4 jus cause of this option turn 10 would be smart to add this for better profit