[Both][Logos] TuffPuppers - Vinyl Groups - Drift Logos, Paw Print Logo, Rewind Logo

Hey there Forza Fans. I imported a few of my F5 Designs, like the Paw Print - Best one in the game! (I think!) Also imported a few things from FH 2 and put them all up on my store space.
I have made a new design for a Drift Logo, it was something I made originally in FM4 and redesigned it for FM6

Search Gamer Tag: TuffPuppers

Below are 8 Color Variations of the ‘Drift’ Logo for you to check out. All of them are up in my Store Space, (search for Vinyl Groups under GT: TuffPuppers) I will gladly custom any of the "Drift’ Logos for anyone that wants it. You can reply here or send me a PM, just cut and paste this template and fill in the color you want for each letter.

*** Custom Drift Logo ***

D - Your Color Choice Here
r - Your Color Choce Here
i - Your Color Choice Here
f - Your Color Choice Here
t - Your Color Choice Here
Swervey Wave - Your Color Choice Here

Hey there Forza Fans. I imported a few of my F5 Designs, like the Paw Print - Best one in the game! (I think!) Also imported a few things from FH 2 and put them all up on my store space.

Search Gamer Tag: TuffPuppers

Paw Print Logos below, if anyone wishes any customization, let me know what are looking for and I’ll see if I can do it (such as multi colored sections, etc)

Hey there Forza Fans. I imported a few of my F5 Designs, like the Paw Print - Best one in the game! (I think!) Also imported a few things from FH 2 and put them all up on my store space.
I have made a new design for a Drift Logo, it was something I made originally in FM4 and redesigned it for FM6

Search Gamer Tag: TuffPuppers

Below is a special ‘Rewind’ Logo I made for ''Johniwanna" for his Tueday Dream Adventure, I think its a fun design and you can find it in my Store Space if you wish to use it.

Future Logos

Full Car Designs - Pending (upoloding pics)

Future Full Car Designs

You should try making some custom font instead of using forza font as there’s no need for anyone to download the paint when they can make it themselves using the same font in game

Thanks for the feedback, had not considered that. I am very much a starting amature when it comes to designs, Not a full blown artist or anything. I’ll have a try and some font design. Up to now just have been using the ones in the game an tweaking them.


They’re pretty bad if I’m honest. Its best if you make your own designs combining shapes and such instead of just pasting the forza font and basic shapes on the cars.