Blueprints not sharing

Is there some kind of trick to get blueprint races to share in FH4? I’ve made and fully completed races for 31 blueprints (most were done in co-op), but the creative hub only showed 14 blueprints shared and those 14 are the only ones that can be found with a Friends and Followed search on another account. It now shows 15 since to test, I created 3 brand new routes (all custom), ran them all and it only decided to share one of them, the other 2 can’t be found by friends and do not show up in my creative hub.

Is there any way to reliably get blueprints to share or is it just random chance whether a blueprints get shared or tossed into limbo?

Edit: While doing further testing, I took an old Blueprint (an old multi-lap Goliath race) that was shared and visible to others, created a custom route, created 5 blueprints all using it (overwriting the old route as well), then deleted the custom route which deleted all the blueprints I had that started there, including the old shared one. However, the old blueprint still shows up in my creative hub and can still be seen by others, even though going to the start point and looking under “My Blueprints” shows I have no blueprints. Screwy.

I asked this about 2 weeks ago but got no answer, giving up on blueprints as like you all deleted ones are still showning and new ones not, seems to be a issue not important to look in :unamused:

It’s sad that this happens. I got stuck at 62 and have like 12 shared. Even one that uses a custom route that I deleted. I made a decent dirt race only to find that the game is so broken that it won’t let me share it.

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Same here, once a blueprint with custom route is automatically shared, that start location is basically burned along with its custom route(s). No way of unsharing a blueprint or sharing a new one/replacing the old one, Overwriting a blueprint, deleting a custom route in the blueprint editor, game restarts, xbox reboots, nothing does the trick. Ultimately frustrating and the worst practice for “game as a service” imho. Sad to say I’m giving up on the only thing that keeps me coming back to beautiful, beautiful FH4.