Blizzard Mountain - Interactive Map (incl. Events, PR Stunts, Collectibles etc.)

Hi everyone,

I’ve been working on an interactive map for the Blizzard Mountain expansion over the past few days.

The map currently includes the following 99 items:

  • 26 King of the Mountain Events
  • 1 Kingmaker Event (Finale)
  • 7 Bucket List Challenges
  • 6 Speed Traps
  • 6 Speed Zones
  • 5 Danger Signs
  • 6 Drift Zones
  • 1 Festival Site
  • 5 Beauty Spots
  • 1 Barn Find
  • 25 XP Boards
  • 2 Travel Locations
  • 8 Bucket List Blueprints

There are two versions available:

Version 1 (completed)
This version only includes the markers/icons but no additional details about the events/collectibles etc.

Version 2 (work in progress)
This version includes additional details (text, pictures and/or videos) about each marker like the title of the event/collectible, where it can be found, when it becomes available etc.

I hope they help some of you out if you need them. =) Should there be any mistakes please let me know!