Could this be a sign of things to come for Forza 6? Would any one like this vehicle in Forza 6, if so, why or why not?
It is actually classified as a motorbike, not an automobile, according the website, so maybe there is technically zero chance of it every appearing in FM6, or could it, under the “track toys” catagory in the future?
I for one would be very interested to see this in FM6, it would certianly be something quite different. The fact that Bill himself is being driven in it could just be pure coincidence but it could also mean that T10 have, or will in the future, get some time with the vehicle it self so we may end up seeing it in game at some point. Or maybe never.
With October approaching, and Bill seemingly well involved, I am curious to see how the weeks develop and what his thoughts and experiences were.
Yeah! That would be awesome too. But lets not turn this into a wish list thread, and more so, just on topic of what this means for the franchises future.
If you don’t mind there mod, this is a discussion on the prospect of the development related to Bill and his experience with this particular car, just because I fleetingly mentioned another vehicle or 2 does not mean you have the right to accuse every thread as being a wish list thread, it’s not a wish list thread, it just happened to be a side topic revolving around the discussion of the main topic. Hope you understand :).
Back on topic 100% though now though right? Apologies for that deviant 1%! Also, seeing as it’s a not actually a “car” it’s inappropriate to talk about a “motorbike” in a “car wish list” thread :P.
Anywho, after looking over the video more it seems unrelated to Top Gear directly, and more of a focus on the actual story they happen to be covering. It’s interesting because this only really caught my attention the moment Bill was mentioned as I’ve not really seen this sort of thing happen before, and besides, this seems to be relative. Why else would they make a direct reference to the series, the show, the person and the franchise in an Ad? You don’t seen clarkson mentioned directly in partial development with GT2 back in the day, but it happened.
I for one am going to watch that space, it’s certainly an interesting topic of concern.
My sincere apologies, I’m still very new here and to moderating and was simply trying to offer some assitance. Thank you for clarifying that it isn’t a wishlist so I will now be far better able to identify a wishlist and respond accordingly in the future.
Thanks, we all make mistakes :). I could see how it could turn into a wish list thread but I don’t want that to happen either, like i said, it was just a fleeting reference and besides i didn’t actually start it. Maybe I too, was mistaken, for not quenching that reply earlier rather than putting my statement regarding the Robin into the topic too. So, we can move on.
So, does any one have actually have any theories on this? The release date the ad cues is interesting too, 4th of October, now we know the first DLC pack is in October, probably the 6th which will be a Tuesday, I wonder if there will be specific mention of this event in RVM or some other article before the DLC drops later than week? My money is on that any way.
Either way I am curious to hear what Bill has to say about his experience with the vehicle, I hope he shares his thoughts here somewhere in time.
My apologies once more, it appears I may have misspoken earlier. I’m not new here or new to moderating and over the many years I’ve been here and been moderating, I’ve seen every possible permutation of wishlist conceivable and as a result, I"m a world class expert in the field of spotting wishlists and locking them.
I posted the link to the wishlist thread and temporarily left the thread unlocked as a gentle reminder in the hopes you would quickly realize the error of your ways and modify your posting accordingly. Please take the hint in the spirit in which it was intended.
I am a little bit confused at what you are telling me to do, but i edited my post about the Robin, but if you see, i didn’t start it, the first reply to my thread needs editing too if you are going to say it needs an edit as no to be a discusion about “cars we’d like to see”. I didn’t realise you were playing me like a fiddle though…
All I want is a discussion about what i’ve been speaking about thus far…it’s not my fault if people choose to start wishlisting cars, would it not of made more sense to quote that guy and or edit his post instead?
I’ve done my part AFAIC so I’d like to get back to original discussion.