BIGTIME MUSCLE Monthly Livery Contest - Sponsored by Turn 10 - December Contest - Winners Corrected

December Design Comp
Car Used : 03 Nissan Fairlady
Category : Fantasy

Both Paint Jobs Are In The Storefront For 1K

December Design Comp
Category: Fantasy
Car Used: 65’ Mustang “Santa’s Sled”
Gamer Tag: FORD1955F100

December Design Comp
Category: Race
Car Used: 40’ Coupe “Old School Gasser”
Gammer Tag: FORD1955F100

Excellent work and detail CHEDDARB0B.

Thank you for the kind words Gothic!

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I’m liking the entries so far. Can’t wait to see more!



Category: Race Livery

GT: xGothicGorilla

Car: 2010 Nissan GT-R SpecV


To anyone wanting a Unicorn (or a Full Set in this case) here is a way to get them (see the first page of this Thread for full details).

Added images to post 15 and 16 both cars are available in my storefront! Good luck EVERYONE!!! :slight_smile:

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Everybody is bringing the thunder thus far this month…definitely going to be even tougher on the judges this go around. 21 more days to enter so I’m looking forward to seeing what else gets posted and good luck to everyone.

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We here at BigTime Muscle are always working to provide the community new and exciting things in our attempts to keep the community alive and well…to that effect, I have added two new prizes cars to the collection and those fine machines were painted by MFBigfoot79.


Great competition :slight_smile: Do the people that come 1st only get the unicorn cars?

Nope…at a minimum the top 3 in each series (fantasy or race) will get unicorns…so basically at a minimum 6 people get unicorn sets.

Damn that’s nice :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok im not very good at this but id figure id give it a shot gt is xXmlock1128Xx

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OK, check page#1 post #22. I updated my entries with (1) Fantasy and (1) Race paint job. My Race paint is a throwback to the “Gassers”. Hope you enjoy the Gasser!!

What are the rules on paints that aren’t 100% yours? Like if there was a cool vinyl on a design you were gifted, then you made a whole new design based on that vinyl? If you had to put it on a new car and make a design, does that count?

Everything has to be 100% yours.

Category : Race

Gamertag: TaupeStyleUnik

Honda Civic 97’ APR TUNED.





Nice jdm. :slight_smile:

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