Better graphics options?

I just tried this and it was good but was disappointed in the lack of video options, my system is not the best so I normally run games on low to medium but with AA turned up, there doesn’t seem to be this option. On medium I got a bit of stuttering, I turned it to low but noticed a lot of jaggies at the edge of the road.

I’m hoping this is just due to being in Beta and that we will get full control over gfx settings…or would using Nvidia settings do the trick?

Under video settings change dynamic optimization to custom to open up the graphics settings

The low preset disables AA completely. You may be able to turn it back on by doing like said above. Put the Dynamic Optimization to custom. My settings are Dynamics on Custom, Rendering quality on Medium (It won’t let me go higher), 4 X AA, 4 X AF, force resolution off, and everything else on Dynamic. The game plays great and looks fantastic. It looks much better than Project CARS and to me plays about the same except that is more difference in handling between different cars in Project CARS. The tracks look bland though and the car selection stinks. A lot of popular brands like Chevy, Honda, and others are completely left out in Project CARS. Also, it is not free :-). It does have wheel support but I don’t have one and checking prices, they are way too expensive. I saw some wheels priced at $350-$600! Really? That much for a game controller? Not for this guy. I don’t care if APEX ever adds support for them.