I have just recently tried to play on multiplayer and it says I have been banned from this feature. I have done nothing wrong or deserved this. Please contact me as soon as possible to get this resolved.
Thank you, Wesley
I have just recently tried to play on multiplayer and it says I have been banned from this feature. I have done nothing wrong or deserved this. Please contact me as soon as possible to get this resolved.
Thank you, Wesley
Nothing wrong? Except when you and a Friend decided to disrupt online racing by intentionally crashing people. That’s a violation of the Xbox Live Code of Conduct for unsportsmanlike behavior. Check with your “swift” Friend, he’ll be banned also.
Neither bans nor the enforcement of the regulations by Turn 10 employees are discussed on these forums. You may send an email to them at forzafb@microsoft.com if you wish, however because of the volume received your ban will probably expired before receiving an answer.