The “Career Driver Platinum” badge
Requires platinum Speak Volumes badge, Platinum Making a Name badge and Platinum Experienced Driver badge. There is no “Experienced Driver” badge, but there IS a “Seasoned Driver” badge. I have reached platinum in all three which exist but the Career Driver Platinum does not open.
The “Forza Faithful” badge
Requires one to reach Tier 8 in Forza Reward.
I was already at Tier 9 when I acquired the game so this badge never unlocked.
While we’re at it, the one to the left of the badge Max has highlighted above says in the description while at silver status: “Earn 150,000,000 in race winnings for Platinum” (or words to that effect).
Silver jumps straight to platinum?
One hundred and fifty million in race winnings?? At level 500ish combined on two accounts and having played from day one, I believe I’ve earned roughly $40,000,000 in race winnings - this isn’t going to unlock until I’m getting close to level 2000? Guess I have some more racing to do!
That one is likely labeled wrong. I was at Silver until yesterday, now I am at Gold. But not because I earned money. I went on a spending spree yesterday because I was sitting at 80 million credits and during that spree the badge unlocked when I bought a car. So it’s probably Top Spender instead of Top Earner. Gold requirements are “Earn 50,000,000 credits for Gold”. From the stats I can tell you my total winnings are 26,340,052 credits (that’s what I got from races). I got another 13 million from Rewards, 20 million launch bonus, about two million from leagues and liveries and about 100 million from spins. Once I earn another 33 million I will have 100 in my pocket which should unlock the badge if I spend it all.
I came in, feeling like whitet3260, that there was no “Experienced Driver” badge, but wondering why I didn’t have my Platinum “Career Driver” badge since I had my “Speak Volumes”, “Making a Name” and “Seasoned Driver” badges.
Thanks to ManteoMax, I now know that there is an “Experienced Driver” badge.
So my question is, "Why don’t I have my Platinum “Career Driver” badge since I have my platinum “Speak Volumes”, “Making a Name” and “Experienced Driver” badges?
Forza Faithful also seems to be impossible to get.
I am also having the issue with the bade the OP posted. Have had the career completed since late October 2015. Still no fix. I am hunting badges now until FM7 releases, and that’s one Platinum that bugs me since I’ve fulfilled the requirements.