Backstage cars too expensive

The backstage cars is too expensive for me.
I get 60 points every forzation, and i dont have the time to do them 24 hours a day or when i have time to play.
“You can buy them on auction house” or “get VIP pass” does not justify it either for me.

And i was away when the volvo c30 polestar was a prize car and i cant find it in auction house either.

Just my to cents…

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well did you know that the backstage pass isn’t supposed to be easy for you to get?

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if it was cheap, it would be wayy to easy to get htf cars

Ok so you like to grind? It does not justify for us that cant do that because we are grown ups with other things that needs to do.

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that sucks for you, do you really think that PG will alter it just for you?

one more thing, it doesnt take grinding. i just let my fp balance just go up as i play. what i also dont understand is that you cant spare 2 - 3 hours per week to play the game? that’s all it takes to get a pass as a 40 point reward.

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No i dont think so. And i dont to like racing on same tracks over and over again, i have done them before.
I bought the game full price and grinding is for Free 2 Play games.
Thats my opinion, you have your own.

You know you can edit your posts instead of writing a new one?

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backstage passes
1000 FP once per week as you note
one per week in the playlist
could possibly appear as a reward in other tasks

forzathon points
arcades - one every quarter of an hour
playlist weekly
playlist dailies
fallback playlist (can be done in addition, might award FP but don’t recall)
most cars have skill trees that contain FP
treasure hunts are often FP

hard-to-find cars
usually a few as rewards in the playlist

VIP, forgot that, it helps (£15 or whatever)

You’ve played racing games before, yes? They don’t have infinite amounts of tracks but the event labs in the playlist are also new and also give you points towards the playlist 40 pt BP. Playing a few 3 - 5 minute races is hardly a “grind” either.

For the amount we’ve received in this game since release, you’re lucky this isn’t subscription based. Yes, the 1000 PT forzathon shop BP is pricey but the playlist one certainly isn’t. As SpirantCrayon mentioned though, even the forzathon points have multiple ways to accumulate faster.

If you don’t have the time, then honestly, I think that’s your cross to bear.


indeed, it does feel like it’s just not going to work out for you

I have had the luxury of being able to spend time on the game, that is very definitely a luxury, if you do not have the time to spend on it when you really want to that’s a shame (but it is life) - that stated, you describe it such that it’s a chore, which does not indicate it’s something you want to do

anyway, there are plenty of fairly easy ways to accumulate FP, though it is going to take time

The Volvo c30p should be more common in the auction house this week as it reaches 20m.

The 1000 points is a lot of effort via 17 complete arcade events.


that’s true, though with VIP, right? doubles weeklies, dailies, arcades

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It’s with the ownership of the la casa solariega house. Anyone without VIP can still purchase it.

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Anyone that’s been playing a while will have a ton of Forzathon points. I’m on about 49,000. I’ve had 5 backstage passes so far so they aren’t hard to get by buying them and just completing the playlist. I’ll just hang on to them as I’ve got every car in the game as I’ve been playing since day 1.


49k? blimey, you must have avoided spending any!

think I have around 10k but I have regularly spent points there

I understand that you’re frustrated about the high price in the Forzathon Shop, but considering that many people have lots of Forza Points left over that they weren’t able to spend on anything, it’s clear that the devs made that price so high for those people to get rid of their high amounts of left over points.
IMO the devs should care more about the people that have not enough points nor the time to get them. If they would lower the price of 1 Backstage Pass to 300FP, then you could afford 1 per week for 160FP in the weekly Forzathon and 140 in the daily Forzathon.
I personally have all cars and over 20000FP so I don’t think the devs should care about me more than players like you, they should rather implement some other feature on which I can spend my FP.


I bought whatever I didn’t own from the points shop and I still have over 40k. Figure I’ll buy passes for a while even if I don’t really need them for anything.

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Yeah, the thing about the passes is that they’re not really meant for those who have already put in the time since launch. Chances are, if you’ve been playing since day one, you’ve already got everything not to mention, you have also probably accumulated a ton of forzathon points by now. So really we can buy lots of them from the forzathon shop but honestly, why bother? The best deal for anyone who is going to be relying on the backstage passes, is to keep grabbing them from the playlist since I think that’s the easiest. 1000 forzathon points can be a lot if you don’t already have any accumulated.


49k is crazy. i have maybe 300 rn XD


no idea how many have come and gone but I can see it

there’s several hundred per week (weekly, dailies, treasure hunt)
any car perks purchased (usually 5 per car but can be more)
arcades (60 every quarter of an hour; 1 a day is 420 per week)

I also had 1-2k stolen by PGT10; they reset a load of car skill trees but did not reimburse all the skill points needed to buy the skills again (they thought they did but they didn’t)

for a day 1 player it’s easy to see the numbers add up - just the weekly/dailies/treasure hunt is 20k per year easily