Every time a car switches gears there’s this odd backfire sound effect. I find it incredibly distracting. What is this sound supposed to be? Am I the only one who finds it annoying? How do you turn it off?
Leftover fuel charge igniting inside the exhaust system. Particularly prevalent (but not exclusive) to turbocharged cars, particularly ones without catalytic converters
You’re right but the OP has a point as well.
Even when driving an unmodified car, D C B class, you can hear that sound pretty regularly.
Not very realistic imho
I’ve heard it in bone-stock cars that would certainly not backfire with flames coming out the exhaust like that in real life. If I remember correctly, even a bone-stock Isetta did it, flames coming out of the exhaust and everything.
I’m pretty sure that a stock BWM i8 doesn’t backfilre. If i were to put a percentage on the chance of that happening, i’d say its a big fat 0.
Indeed, there is a car in the game which makes backfire even stock, and I drive it sometimes IRL & I can confirm it has never made a backfire
It is clear people have different opinions on how much reality is fun versus the enjoyment from an unrealistic video game.
Yes,this post right here!!! Its just a game and somethings are there just for enjoyment!!! But some people you could give a $100 bill to and they would complain because it was not crisp enough!
Use a tesla!
It’s a wonderful effect but they overuse it.
I don’t get a backfire on literally every gear change though if you do. I use manual+clutch.
Race exhaust makes them more likely as related to Vulcan explaining.
It is overused. Driving the 918 last night, the backfires were amazing but every time I let of the throttle and quite regularly when I changed gears it would backfire. It just kinda spoils the overall effect as it’s so overused it’s not that special when it does backfire. I preferred Forza 6 in this sense. It was harder to make a car backfire but when it did and depending on the car, it wouldn’t stop! It would backfire 9-10 times in a row! I kind off miss that honestly, though I will say the detail and the overall look of the flames in FH3 are vastly improved over Forza 6 so it’s kinda a win lose situation.
Merc e class is very good for backfiring
Maybe T10/PG should re-look at the algorithm for determining backfire. High strung cars like the aventador, and 918 shoot flames under throttle and pop when off throttle.
I just want my cars to backfire like Uncle Buck’s did.
Look it up. LOL
Lol should add uncle bucks car for free
I like the backfire noise because it is an audio cue that lets me know my shift was good. Sometimes the shift buttons are pressed and the shift doesn’t happen for many reasons. Most of the time it is my error and the lack of an expected sound makes me quickly look at the gauge to see what has happened.
My RL stock Mini Cooper S backfires in Sport mode pretty regularly.
[Mod Edit - thread merged - MM]
On forza horizon 3 why does every car have an annoying back fire coming from the exhaust system.
This is very annoying at first I thought it was just when I added a racing exhaust but nearly every car in the game has it.
I don’t know if other people have noticed or me being picky but I find this to be very unrealistic this did not happen in forza 6.
Nor does this happen on every car in real life I find the sound effects in forza 6 for all cars are alot better.
Is this something that is going to be fixed in the near future as it’s starting to do my head in not every car needs to backfire with flames out the exhaust or that loud popping sound which sounds like someone being shot.
This never happened in forza 6 & I can’t remember it happening on previous horizon games either.
Please fix this.
Kind Regards
Lee Arrowsmith

On forza horizon 3 why does every car have an annoying back fire coming from the exhaust system.
This is very annoying at first I thought it was just when I added a racing exhaust but nearly every car in the game has it.
I don’t know if other people have noticed or me being picky but I find this to be very unrealistic this did not happen in forza 6.
Nor does this happen on every car in real life I find the sound effects in forza 6 for all cars are alot better.
Is this something that is going to be fixed in the near future as it’s starting to do my head in not every car needs to backfire with flames out the exhaust or that loud popping sound which sounds like someone being shot.
This never happened in forza 6 & I can’t remember it happening on previous horizon games either.
Please fix this.
Kind Regards
Lee Arrowsmith
The backfire has been happening since FM 4. Maybe earlier but that was my first game in the series. So it was definitely in FM6. Backfires happen all the time in the real world, so they’re actually pretty realistic. It only happens once you let go of the gas in high rpm range.