Audi RS4 for sale Anyone?

Hi there would anyone have an Audi RS4 '18 for sale? For 10mill? That’s all the money i got :frowning:

hey man, they go consistently for 20 mil on the auction house, i doubt that anyone will sell it for 10 (unless theyre rich and nice). you should look into selling something from a playlist or do some accolades (like for the twerkstallion). you should also probably do it in like the next week cuz they might stop getting sold

Sorry dude - just saw this post and stuck one up for 500K min - 2M buyout but it went in about 10 seconds.
I should’ve sent a PM but the snipers were already there by the looks of it so you’d have to be REALLY quick.
Maybe they’ll do the decent thing as they got it for 2M in amongst a bunch of 20M buyouts and sell it cheaper than the others out there so I guess you just need to keep your eye on the AH…

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Thanks man! Appriciate that…maybe next time…i was off for the night anyways lol also not much to do with this topic but would you by any chance know how does the “you sell cars and someone here buys it for crazy money” …like double/triple the avg. AH price?

I kinda thought that :frowning: you mean sell the TwerkStallion Mazda? I think I got one from a skill tree off a car :thinking::thinking:

Do you mean how they transfer credits? Buy a 2008 BMW M3 from the auto show. It’s really cheap there (I think around 50k) and list it in the auction house. I think the buyout for it is ~12M.

I don’t know if I have a spare RS4, but I’m sure I have a few credits I could throw your way.
If you list one or two M3s for 24h and ping me here once they are up I’ll try to buy them out tomorrow. (I assume your gamer tag is the same as your forum name?)

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I can sell you one

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I’ve got a few up for sale for 24hrs…my gamer tag must be the same cos it made me log on here witg my xbox acc…

Thanks in advance!!!

Also is there an easy way of getting the TwerkStallion??? Cos I only got one of them and they seem to go for like 9mill max buyout :thinking::thinking:

Also another question cos i’m new to this forum stuff…see if I keep putting up more of those Bmw m3 2008’s for sale for max buyout would someone always buy them or is it only the person who said that would? :grin::grin:

the m3s arent actually valuable, theyre just the way to transfer credits - no random is gonna buy it from auction

Usually just people who said they would buy it.

Got a few of your M3s, have fun. :wink:

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Just seen that!!! Really appriciate that mate! :beers::beers::beers:


I’ve listed a couple of BMW 2008 M3’s up for sale for 24 hours. Don’t suppose you’d be able to buy mine too as I’m also not very rich either lol.

Thanks! Gamertag is my profile name.

I can sell for that, dm xbox Finnish SLAP if you can

There you go.

No message yet?

Wasn’t replying to your response. :sweat_smile:
It should show it in the left right corner.

Links, nein, rechts, denke ich.

Oh im sorry

@AbsorbedSpy2305 Thank you, appreciate it! :slight_smile: