I purchased multiple vehicles from the auction house and then all the sudden it keeps saying bid failed trying again later. I’ve tried multiple times over the course of a 4 hour period and it continues to say the same thing. This has happened other days as well. Is there a limit to how many cars you can purchase in day.
It sounds like you are just being outbid or the cars you are bidding on get bought out before your bid goes through.
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No the cars I’ve tried to bid on are still in the auction house hours later. I even just started trying to buy one of them out but it doesnt matter which one I choose it still says bid failed please try again.
There is the possibility that the seller has multiples of that car and continually tries to sell them, but this sounds more like some kind of connection issue. Are you able to play online normally?
Yes I can play online normally. No issues there. Only issue is letting me buy cars from auction house