Does anyone know how long it’s gonna take… I have 3 cars in the auction and I would like to collect the money or the car… can someone give me some info on what’s going on …
Yeah that is a good question.The Clubs,Rivals,and Marketplace tabs have been grey for over 24 hours.Can anyone help us?
Same here. Happened often in the past and was gone after loading the game 2 or 3 times but now its always.
really annoying. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]
The biggest problem to me is that the Forzathon sales will not work unless we’re connected to the server… Furthermore, I haven’t got the Bentley yet.
Reminder that the Forza 7 servers are down, too. “The power of X at True 4K”, then the servers don’t work, and right after the Black Friday… Good going, Microsoft.
Odd thing is the status page Xbox Support makes it look like the FH3 server been having an issue since the 21’st. Seemed like it was working yesterday for me though. I’m sure it will all be working again once I have to go to work Monday
I have recently downloaded this game but it has locked me out of The message centre, community news, forzathon, clubs, rivals, marketplace, the auction house and possibly others. It says ! feature locked then below it says “The Forza Horizon 3 server is not currently available. Please try again later.” how do i regain access? or is there a time or date this will be available again? is this a personal issue or is it widespread? anything i can do to help it?
I have some issues:
First: My FH3 game crashes and my game score isn’t there anymore.
I open the game and I was at the start of the game.
Second: I can’t get to the auction house and I couln’t download a design.
Please fix the problem from second, because I want a good start in the new game score.
Sorry for my english, because I am german.
Same I can’t get in yo any online thing not even the message center Microsoft pleas fix this
So…any progress in bringing the fun back to the game dear support?
I hope there will be a compensation for the inconveniences…
I posted about this yesterday and it’s still a problem. I’m used to the servers going out in FH2, but since I just started playing FH3 a few days ago, i really want to be able to take advantage of the Forzathon sale prices to build up my garage. I really hope they get on this before the sale runs out.
the server is still down for me and I’m worried because I spent over a million credits on a car in the auction house…ugh
the server is still down for me and I’m worried because I spent over a million credits on a car in the auction house…ugh
Servers should be back up and working properly as of this post.
It is working now. Being such a newb I thought I needed gold for the auction house and designs. So I bought a year of Gold.