Anyone willing to give up a Ford falcon xb?

Anyone willing to get rid of their Ford falcon xb and/or 86 Ford f150? Also looking for Plymouth belvedere, barracuda,and fury. Thanks! :slight_smile:


The 72? I don’t see any xb. If I had one I’d sell it to ya. Maybe the bump will get someone’s attention?

10-20mil is insane… I don’t want it that bad

Yeah the price for the barracuda is nuts lol but it’s really rare and no it’s not the 72 if you go through the vehicle models under Ford you’ll see the falcon xb but I hope it gets some attention lol

I didn’t know they had the xb until I was messing with auction house and I’ve wanted it every since lol

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I have the Xb

I have all of the cars you need actually.

Sweet! Willing to part with any of them? If so what’s your price?

Hi does anyone have a deberti f250 that they can put on the house house?

Mmm about 60 mill but you can negotiate.

Yeah I do

So about 10 mill for each car?

When can you do it? I can does 12:30 or later

I’m only available on weekends dm me

What man that’s way too cheap for the cars you’re looking for. Each of them cost at least 30 mill.

Most go for 20 mill at most other than the fury it’s the only one I’ve ever seen hit 30 mill

No you just use like the bmw m3 2008 and sell it for 10mill then you buy the xb for 20mill.

Would you do 15 mill?
