Hi, I have 94% drivatar sync and i have 100% in all track(i mised aircraft terminal, cargo etc because this track i cant see it in rivals and free play).
I guess 100% sync would imply that your drivatar is 100% identical to the way that you drive - which is impossible. 95% would be very similar to the way that you drive.
Tag lap times on one track do count. Check out forzastats and you’ll see one of the tag tracks listed that actually has recorded lap times. I’ve tried figuring out how to post times on that track in a custom lobby but it didn’t save.
This might explain why I’ve ran every track but only am at 94% and some are at 95%.
My stats don’t show it because the times never got posted.
Go to matrix and scroll down and you’ll see a blank for Laguna and a few other blanks for other tag tracks. However, there are two test tracks listed and one is a tag track. You’ll notice the people with #1s are far from the usual suspects.
Test track airfield full is not a circuit track and how to post times for it is a mystery to me because even though I figured out how to have a lap time, I have no idea how to get it to post.
Go to your Forza 5 profile. Then chose My Drivatar. Then look at all the tracks they should be at 100 %. It takes 10 laps to get 100%. The drag strps you will have to make a private lobby in multiplayer
When you think about it,can your drivatar ever really get 100%? I mean is’nt it always learning? I could see 99% with a little learning always going on.
I don’t think 100% would represent your Drivatar reaching maximum learning capacity. From what I understand, the percentage represents the amount of track configurations you have driven which, in turn, the data can be used by the Drivatar. So, either someone at Turn 10 goofed on the math, or 100% percent completion was intentionally unobtainable, or something else was/is planned for the remaining 5%. The latter, I don’t think we should speculate on in this thread.