Message me on xbox. We can start a team.
gt… bajd987
gt simple solution
i have a crew im trying to get big for people to meet with for like cruising/drifting lobbies. its called Rice Killers, tag is rk
no lie that sounds sick lol killin all the ricers
add me bro Its Ulltra
i need more friends with horizon 2 haha
Much dirft such tire much tire smoke so sideways add mikemollic
I’m down.
gamertag: e36 FTW
Im down to drift any day. Foreverr BACON
add me too HuxHazExtrodus
Hit me up, Bruh
GT: Viizion ToZe
Add SprayMatic jr
I’m down to drift ! slowered6
Invite me aswell Favors!
GT: Super Syphar
im down to! GT: Dank Daquan
Add Argonaut110, really want to play with people on this.
add Moum4n
Xb360 bugajugs609
Xbox 360 bugajugs609
ig is fariko revo on xbox 360
I’m totally in! Shane2133 is the gt.
Add LoveableGoat98!