[ANSWERED] Game Totally Unplayable. Crash to desktop after EVERY RACE

I’ve been a die hard fan for quite some time. I’ve logged in over 700 hours playing FM7. However.

The game worked fine up until the update in March. Now after EVERY SINGLE RACE the game crashes to destop (on PC obviously).

It’s completely unplayable and beyond infuriating. I’ve followed all the steps necessary in the “What to do when the game crashes all the time” thread.


i7 4770k
GTX 1080TI

What gives here? What’s changed? Why has it changed? Why is the game suddenly broken? On my end the hardware is exactly the same. Never had this crash to destop until around March.

Game has a lot of bugs, but I have similar hardware and it works. Check RAM and PSU. How about other games? Maybe try to reset FM7?

Please submit a ticket https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/requests/new so we can investigate further.