AMD Radeon R9 390 Not Compatible?

Has anyone with a radeon R9 390 tried to run this? Every time at startup I get an error code AP301 saying GPU drivers isn’t up to date or compatible. After checking my drivers are up to date. Any suggestions?

Make sure you read through the available support threads:

Go to:

Ignore the tool telling you are up to date, and download direct from the website.

*if you have already downloaded these drivers and still have the message, see below.

**use DDU to remove, then reinstall from the download package linked above.

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It runs perfectly.
You need to download fonr the AMD site the last driver (16.5.1).
Before, you need to uninstall your previous one completely, form control panel and to be sure, you should use the DDU program. Restart the PC, install the fresh drivers, restart the pc again, and you will be fine.

I had the same issue with the R9 380, but i did this and it runs great :slight_smile:

That’s what Dust said.

Just hold PageUp on your keyboard and select quit in the game when it gives you the issue, this bypass’s the error code and you can continue to play.