I don’t know if anyone else is having this problem, but I played a bit of FH2 during the Xbox Live outage, and now all the championships that I won during that time period are not showing up in the game. The only location that shows me as having won all 28 championships is Saint-Martin. and so I have been trying to re-race the events that are missing on the “Road Trip Progress” screen, but once I finish the championship at the various locations. it does not update in the progress. My stats say I have won a total of 170 championships, but it will not give me the All Your Race Are Belong To Us achievement, which is the biggest one in the game. If there is ANYONE who can tell me how to get the progress screen to update, so I can get the achievement, please let me know. If there is a topic on this already, please share the link, so I can try to get this resolved. I’ve spent over two months playing the solo campaign, and if I can’t get the prize I’ve been trying to reach, I’m not going to be happy. By the way, I’m playing on Xbox One.
Hey man I have the noticed the same thing with other achievement trackers too. Currently I have completed 11 online road trips yet the tracker says 5, 17 team events and the tracker says 11 and 42 online races but the tracker says 28. This was from an online session that me and a friend played on Sunday evening. It seems for some reason none of the progress was saved on anything I did that night. Admittedly it is nothing as bad as the achievement that has so far glitched on you but it does seem to be a problem and I would expect more people to come forward with similar issues going forward.
Hi all (who are playing FH2 on the Xbox One)!
In the last few days, I have tried to finish off the last of the 168 championships, and thought I was close when I got to 27 out of 28 in each of the six regions on the main map.
However, it took me four or five road trips (12-15 races) to get it down to half of the regions having 27 out of 28 done! Since then, I managed to race myself down to just Castelletto having one championship left to win, but the problem remains that I’ve raced that particular championship eight times (four road trips) in the last 24 hours since it started showing “27/28” without getting the final and 168th championship to count (and thus getting the achievement “All Your Race Are Belong To Us 2.0” to pop). This is getting annoying.
I have completed the Storm Island expansion, and also raced in a total of 855 races (all but six races in single player mode). I’ve completed 188 road trips, 187 championships, and 759 championship events. I haven’t finished all bucket list challenges, only 36/45, but I reckon that shouldn’t affect championship completion status.
My completion percentage is stuck on 99.4%, I’m level 311, and I really don’t know what to do to get that last championship to count! I have done a hard reboot without any result.
Any advice?
My last championship in Castelletto suddenly counted and the achievement popped. Not a moment too late! Case closed.