Achievements List for FM7

Well, we’ve got the same really, really, really difficult achievement in FM7 as we had in FM6. In a 24 person online race, start in 24th position on the grid and win the race.

Apparently, some of you would rather get an achievement for getting to the top of the stairs instead of summiting Everest but that’s a subject for another day.

So, what are the options?

  1. Sit around here on the forums, moping about an achievement that isn’t going to change, posting continuously about how unfair life is treating you, etc. (For the record, this isn’t an actual option and is only here for comparison purposes. More importantly, if this has you disappointed, just wait until you start voting and dating.)

  2. Get motivated, get organized and get a plan together. Let’s see some of that energy and ingenuity many of you employ at giving moderators headaches redirected at helping you achieve Forza greatness. Or at least getting this achievement.

You’re going to need to boost this thing and that means you’re going to need to know how to get it done in the most efficient manner and then get some bodies committed to the cause. You’ve got a couple weeks before you guys get to start playing the game for real so you’ll have to wait on determining how best to get it done efficiently.

What you can do is start getting bodies on board and committed and for that, we’ll need a thread, I’ll start it for you if need be and we can move it to wherever is best once the full FM7 subforums are available. The best opportunity to get this done is when interest is at its highest so that means the first few weeks after release as the longer you wait, the less chance there will be to fill a lobby.

Right then, let’s see you guys get cracking and getting it done.