About VIP rewards

Not really a complaint but just wondering, when u fixed the VIP issue with 4 FE cars and 1 million credits and double credits earned I did get everything but I don’t think I am getting the double credits after the end of each race please tell me if that is in multiplayer only or all modes cause I am not seeing the double credits earned it still looks like the same amount I was earning. Honestly I could care less cause I was happy with the way u did the VIP this way around to start with but since u changed it back I do think that all vips should b getting what y’all promised without an issue. Thank u and I hope to hear from u


They said it would be in the future. It will have to be added with a patch or CU.

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Na boa. Eu queria entender também o porque de ter uma assinatura VIP. O novo modo ficou ruim, sem os créditos duplos a assinatura ficou sem sentido. Tá pode ser que comecem a mandar carros e mais carros.

Bom estou torcendo para que a Turn 10 mude isto.

Ah outra coisa já aproveitando vai que alguém da Turn 10. Já tá na hora de ter a pista de Interlagos no game ein. Tem outras também. Mandem mais pista meu povo.