A "balanced mode" or a 40 fps option for Xbox Series consoles!

Hello, I just want to know how many Xbox Series players of the FH5 community are in need of a graphical mode that would offer no compromises between image quality and smootness? Because currently we’ve got only two modes to play with on Series consoles and none of them gives us that… “Quality mode” gives what the other “Performance mode” takes away and vice-versa and I end up switching all the freaking time between them because I can’t satisfy with any, actually.

Who in this regard would be interested in a mode that fixes this issue like a balanced or a 40fps option like Spider-man or Rachet&Clank games do?

PS: And with the announcement of FSR 2.0 this would be even more feasable !


It would be nice if the XSX was powerful enough to support 4k 60fps by default.

With FSR 2.0 Series X should be able to deliver a crisp image and 60 fps in the majority of games!
Looking foward to it with excitment = )

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40 fps mode makes a ton of sense! Keeping the LOD high, while decreasing already great input lag.

It would be perfect have unlocked fps whit the vrr activated, or the 40 fps mode. We need this pls.

I am all for a 40FPS mode.

We need this as well as FPS unlock on VRR displays

Thanks for this thread

I hope this feature makes it into the game

I constantly switches between 30 and 60 from time to time on Series X

A 40 FPS mode will solve that issue for me