62/63 exhibitions complete - [try post #31]

I have completed an exhibition at all routes but my counter is stuck at 62 of 63 & my achievement hasn’t popped as a result. I know of at least one other that this has happened to. Is there any way that this can be looked into & patched please Turn10 and/or Playground. I will video proof if required. Thanks.

Have you upgraded all the festivals and finished the last showcase? Goliath appears very late on.

Go to your map, press LB if on an xbox controller, remove all markers and then select “new” and “route”.

See if anything shows on the map.

All 4 sites to level 5, everything unlocked, all 63 routes completed as exhibitions - yes, i counted them. Not a mistake by me, a game error.

There’s a guy on my friends list who’s completed 31 bucket list challenges.

There are only 30…?

That may be because he also did at least one user-created bucket list challenge. It might count those, too. Not 100% certain, though.

My achievement counters went nuts. Reason was I thought my saved game had an issue after a couple of hours play so I started again. Seems to have counted what I did in that first saved game as well as my current one.

I think co-op bucket list challenges may be counted as well.

Also maybe just maybe because of the ones they changed between early access and release - might have done both versions. I’m on 31 myself, and have done the 10 challenge ones for the achievement, so it doesn’t seem to count those.

For instance the LaFerrari one used to require you to get from the outback to Surfers and didn’t really give you enough time, so they changed it and made it much easier, with a completely different destination, and I think a couple of others were tweaked also.

Oh, okay. I wasn’t sure about user-created ones. Thank you for clarifying!

Can someone please bring this (my original post and problem) to the attention of someone who can look into it.

The bucket list thing is a totally separate issue & due, I think, to solo and co-op buckets being counted separately.

If you really thinks its a bug it may be best to post on the support forums.

I thought I had an issue but now that I am down to 3 championships left I know that 60 of the 63 locations are greyed out and I did finally find my last exhibition.

So in 9 more races I will have all grey locations.

You could try doing the championships and see if you happen to find another locations somewhere with an exhibition available.

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Just got this achievement was like yourself missing 1 I looked everywhere and all done, then I happened to look at the pink one on the high way even though there was a championship I didn’t do the exo and popped after I did this one something valley, I must have drove past it but never did it.

I am missing also one… Now completing the championships first.
Checked also the whole map but they’re all already gold. Hopefully it will unlock after i have completed all championships tomorrow.

It’s not going to happen. I haven’t made a mistake or missed anything. I wrote a list of all 63 routes (using the rivals section for reference) & then checked them all off. I have definitely completed an exhibition at all 63.

Thanks for your suggestion though, I will refer it to the support section.

I don’t by any means want to make you think I’m being mean by saying this but by chance have you gone back to each one and checked to see if it just greyed it out but not counted it? I think one of mine did that when I was going through. I didn’t start any championships until I got the “exhibition expert” achievement.

To all who said did I really check them all… Yes I did, 100%. I had completed 63 but the game counter stuck on 62.

After trying to rectify a few different ways I finally gave up and restarted by deleting my local save and cancelling the cloud synch when I restarted the game.

When I had finished the intro again and done the first exhibition on the beach at the apostles the achievement popped, and I managed to jump up and hard reset my Xbox as soon as I saw it come on screen, before it had chance to save (& cloud save) my progress.

I then restarted that Xbox and game with fingers crossed, let the cloud synch run (took a while) and it loaded up my original game save and progress. BONUS!

In stats it does still say 62/63, but I have the achievement which is the main issue for me.

I can’t guarantee this will work for all but if you do restart as a last resort be ready to hit that Xbox button on the console as soon as you see the achievement pop… good luck.

Ok so, I want to report that this solution really does work.
Now, I had some doubts and I spoke to Doc Buddha on Xbox Live so I’m going to write It down a little but more step by step than his solution. But all credit goes to him for finding this out. My problem was with championships rather than with exhibitions like his, so this probably works for all the progress related problems

Warning: This is a partial solution and won’t fix your in-game progress, but it will get you the achievement.
Warning2: I did this remaining online on my xbox, I’m not sure how it would go down if your console is offline
Warning3: Read each step entirely before doing it, or you risk losing your save file
Ok, so step by step:

  1. With your game closed go to the “manage game” page on your Xbox and scroll down to “Saved data”. Put the cursor on your save (I’m not sure what happen if you hit “delete all” but I’m not risking it, and neither should you in my opinion), hit the menu button (or start for the old school) and chose “delete saved data”. Now, this is important, chose “Delete from console” because you will want your original save to remain in the cloud so we can sync it back later.
  2. Now open your game and wait for the main menu. In the main menu when you hit A your save will start synchronizing from the cloud. Immediately hit “Cancel”. Xbox will give you two options, select “Stop Syncing”. That will start a new game without sending your saved game to the cloud nor replacing the one that is already there.
  3. The boring part. Play the game from the beginning. If you have problems with Exhibitions not counting properly it will be really quick, the first exhibition you complete will unlock you the achievement (assuming you are at 62 out of 63). If your problem is with the championships (like me) it will be a little bit of a task as the first Championship only unlock after you have opened a second festival and upgraded it for the first time (I did it with surfer’s paradise, not sure how it goes with Outback). But as soon as you complete the championship the achievement should unlock. (I personally was stuck at 62 out of 63 championships completed, but I assume if you need more you can just play the amount of championships you need for the achievement to unlock).
  4. Now that you have your achievement close the game, go back to “manage game”, delete your LOCAL save again (just like in step one above).
  5. Open your game again and hit A on the main menu. It will now sync your original save back into the game. It will still show the incorrect number of championships completed and you won’t have 100% progress, but hey, you have your achievement and your saved progress, so it’s better than nothing I guess!

Wow that’s some commitment! Nice find!

I wonder if you had just gone back and did that race again if it would have popped? If so, you’ve found a nice work-around until this is fixed.


ETA: Try going back and doing that race and see if your counter goes 63/63?

Already tried redoing the last four races to open up, onces I had worked out which they were… didn’t work.

I also collared a friend as he did the final surfers paradise upgrade, jumped in his game and did them again that way… still nothing.

I had tried everything, my game, another’s game, counted the exhibitions, checked them off against the rivals list. I definitely had completed them and missed none and nothing worked which is why I decided to start over.