FM5 has the 2007 and 2013 GT500 mixed up in a few places. For starters, during the Top Gear intro to the American Muscle (I think it’s called) series, James May talks about the 2007 GT500 and then they show a garage shot of the 2013 GT500. Also in the Cars list on this website, they are reversed. See pics below;
Just thought the folks at Turn 10 might want to know.
I notice while looking a the Ford cars on the forza 5 car list on the website, the Shelby Mustangs need to be swapped (the 2013 is under the 2007 and the 2007 is under the 2013). Just a little niggle the webmasters need to correct, should also see what other typos and info is out of place on the site. cheers.