2 Player question

I’ve been trying to play 2 players with a friend of mine in Free Play, but the only way we can play is if he signs in as a guest, but since he doesn’t play Forza, he doesn’t have any cars other than the rentals. So my question is, is it possible for both of us to play 2 player on the SAME account so that the other player can use the cars in my garage? I know this was possible on Forza 4 and we shared the cars in the garage, but on here it’s kind of hard to play together unless he makes his own account and starts his own career.

There is no way to share your garage. Why did they recently allow a guest to use all the cars, but not player 1’s garage as if people want to race non tuned vs tuned…

FM5 Game FAQ, Free Play section: Can my friend use my garage cars in Free Play?