Guys I bought whole homes, complete 13 barn finds and entered the river maybe 150 times but I can’t get a barn find message. How can I solve it
Welcome. I might be missing the point here, but what does this screenshot have to do with barn finds and why should you enter a river? I recognize the language on the screen as being Turkish but can’t make out what the context of your question is.
Nevermind, found it in another site in English.
I’m not sure. It could be you need to be at a specific location at the middle of the lake. It’s been quite a since I did this one I do remember it went in one or two tries, as all of these did.
I hope it isn’t bugged.
14th barn find is unlocking at this challenge. When you enter a river you get a message about barn find middle of the screen
And what is this challenge?
Where can i start it?
Baja Expedition
So the remaining problem is when you finish this expedition the ‘barn find area’ doesn’t show up on the map?
Yes, peoples get a “Barn Find Rumor” message on screen when they enter a river but i can’t get it
I guess I can’t reproduce this as I have been playing since the start and unlocked these a while ago. Are you running on PC, XBox or Steam? Issues on different platforms do differ. Is this on the known issues list by any chance?
I running on Xbox Series S
I suggest doing the expedition again and then coming back to the river. Be careful to do the expedition’s tasks in the correct order. I encountered bugs like this last year if I did an expedition’s tasks out of order. More recently, I encountered the same type of bug in a Hot Wheels expedition for the same reason. In every case, doing the expedition over again in the correct order fixed it.