1/4 mile drags - READ before

Classes that we run (ABSOLUTELY no Mid/Rear engines, Darts, AWD, v10s, v12s or anything less then 2500lbs):

All motor build - No boost in any way, form or fashion. V8 or smaller only. 2500lbs or greater only.

850hp Street - Turbo or Supercharger allowed. Nothing over 850hp (5hp is not going to matter). V8 or smaller only. 2500lbs or greater only.

1000hp Pro Mod - Go all out on v8 engine mods. (1046hp is the max). V8 or smaller only. 2500lbs or greater and nothing over 4000lbs.

Stick to the guidelines/rules unless otherwise stated.

No squeakers, Mic REQUIRED, any whining, complaining or not obiding by the class rules which ever they may be will cause you to be kicked.

Post in here for more info if need and for an invite later this evening.

We do have a Facebook page and you can join by invite only. More details on the FB name will be giving at a later time after races take place.

I’m interested GT tat2swag

Msg’d you

I’m interested

I’m down ExpressTrain44

Okay I got y’all both. We should be running again this evening and I’ll give Express a shout we have you already Savage.


Hey im a low level but i bought the game specifically for getting into the drag race community.Already have a few good runners made. Saw some of the meets and organized drag races and was instantly sold.
And ive got a good understanding of builds but im sure i could always use some help from a good crew.
I will hot you up when i get on my gt is HYDE DrDolphin.

Got into a couple parties with some racers and they were all like 13 and acted like a bunch of baffoons. Im looking for a well adjusted more mature group to roll with.

Msg Xv Glockcoma vX

It make take me a bit to answer but I’ll get to ya

One of these night when you guys are messing around d, test and tune night so to speak, I’d like to join up if I could. I’d like to see if anything I’ve built is in the right neighborhood.

I built a ton of drag cars in 6, just haven’t really figured horizon figured out yet. Really don’t like the mile AWD V12 business that’s going on here, lol.

Anyway, I’ll look for you online.

Hit me up! GT: Rafiki v

Sign me up send a invite or message… GT: STR33T RUNNER