Zoom on Paint Shop?

Never playing Forza before Forza 5 I turned on the game, did my drivatar thing in the beginning, purchased a car and noticed there was a Paint Shop to completely customize your cars… Let me say, majority of the time has gone to customizing cars of Mine and racing in the free time.

One pet peeve of mine is not being able to see how dead on accurate my placement is for Decals to where I get discouraged and don’t try anymore. Now I have to go to forza vista then back to paint and decals and it just takes longer than what I prefer…

Am I missing something or any tips whatsoever for precision placement for decals on small details?


Mr. Lime, a Lemon

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Hi Mr lemon, to zoom in when placing on the car press the left stick in and push up on the left stick, in the editor highlight all layers then resize, hope that helps :slight_smile:


Have you ever posted something because you didn’t think it existed then simply get back into what you were doing and find out your problem was never a problem after all? Not saying that happened to me but it has happened… Recently… THANKS!! :slight_smile:

How about them apples?