Xbox One Forza 5 Over40+ gamertag community

If you are over 40 and race on xbox one with forza 5 feel free to send me a friend request.
My gamertag is Rusty Barr
Would love to race with you some time.


Hi Rusty,

I will add you when I get home from work.

Please add me back

Catch you on the track soon!!

GT Homerjsamus

Will do.

I will send you a request in about 2 years…

1 Like

word. will do.

Request sent! Anybody else in here is welcome to send me one as well if they wish to do so. :slight_smile: Please send a message to so I know what it’s about. That way, I can stay clear of the weird people that ask me for friend requests for the strangest reasons… :stuck_out_tongue:


Add me my gamertag is Cordmusic