Xbox freezes while playing online in FM4

Sorry for mistakes, use google translator.
And 'extremely unnerving when after a few races at the end of the Xbox freezes completely, I have to turn it off and on again all the time.
I tried to do disk maintenance, but nothing changes.
It 'a year I play FM4 always with this problem with other online games never happens.
Do you have advice?
My Xbox 360 is the latest generation and is completely original …

It supposedly has something to do with a memory leak and it effects everyone. You can usually get a warning in the fact that custom paintjobs will fail to load before it freezes. Not all the time but most times. If it stops loading the paintjobs dashboard and restart and you should be good for while.

I’m not 100% sure on this, but I’ve been told that sometimes this happens as a countermeasure to prevent a lobby or server from crashing. It will kick one person offline to save the lobby for everyone else, and if your connection seems to be associated with the criteria they deem fit for choosing someone to boot offline, then this will happen to you more often.

It’s been happening to a lot of players since the game was released & there’s nothing customers can do about it.

I thought it might be the fault of the modem, although still do not understand how they can completely block my xbox.
I understand that the game has been released, and we have well paid, but an update to fix at least part of the problem could also do it …

forza has always had a freeze problem, take forza 2 for example if you had lots of cars in your garage with paint jobs and you scrolled through your cars your game would freeze, i think its the game having problems with paint jobs on cars loading the code in game, like it has been said once your paint job disappears in a race dash board it, also get everyone else to do same will fix the issue for a longer time

I have seen that if there are few players in the race, the Xbox does not block hardly ever, if there are races with many players, the problem becomes frequent.