Would like some feedback!

Hey guys, my gamertag is TheWhittaker506, and I’ve been starting to get into tuning. I have about 47 tunes up at the moment of writing this, and I’m looking for some help. I have a few downloads and uses, but I never get any feed back. Because of that, its hard to know what I’m not doing enough of, and what I’m doing too much off. All of the tunes I make work for me, but we all have different styles of driving. I’m just looking to get some feedback on my tunes to see what I can do better. I mostly do tunes for Goliath, but I’ve been trying to branch out and learn drag, and drift. I can’t drift at all so ai can’t very well test those tunes and decide if they’re good or not either, so here I am reaching outbto you guys. If you do test o ut my tunes, please send me some feedback either here, or on Xbox. Send me a message, don’t be shy. I’ll be waiting! Thanks in advanced!