Winter #Forzathon Shop, Festival Playlist events and rewards through January 9

I don’t think people should use the G Wagon, saw no one do well in it. I used the 17 Raptor.

I’ve been doing the Trial lately just for practice, even if I already have the prize. But I’ve owned the Urban Assault Vehicle in every Horizon game that it’s been in, and maybe used it once. I’m thinking I might skip out on this one.

It’s actually a pretty decent B class cross country vehicle and I sold the one I just won for 248,000 if credits are of interest. Not the worst prize.

It’ s a good challenge I guess, go for it. I had the prize already too. I quit the first cause I became dead weight after missing a checkpoint. They may have succeeded.

The Less is Moor championship was fun because the two circuit races were 5 laps long! Plenty of time to catch up the A.I. The Renault Championship was fun too, as I used the regular Renault 5 and found a good car in it!

Hmm, that was the most annoying thing this week. 5 boring laps in winter, after overtaking all the AI in the 1st lap. Please stop putting 5 laps in the playlist races, most of us are doing them just for the 100% completion and it’s BORING to do 5 laps with the AI. I will do 5 laps if I want with my friends.

Also, the Trial proved very hard this time for a lot of people… Can someone explain why people come to the Trial in not upgraded cars ?! If you’re bad already… why not help yourself a bit and at least upgrade your lousy car ? It’s a lack of respect for the others and for their wasted time. A800 Trial… and 4 people have A702 or something else. How do you expect to win against Unbeatable ?


@Ripperoo UK Now that’s a real smash! I forgot about the Ferrari 599XX E and its glitchy nature. I aimlessly attempted the danger sign from ahead and realized after 15-16 attempts that it would never work. I tried from an angle to the right and it was much more promising. It was much easier that way in the Mosler MT900S:

Glitchy? Check out what happened when I used it on the “Windmill Danger Jump” during the last “Forzathon Live” event!

“Windmill Danger Jump 3500ft…FAILED”

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Is that a problem with the car or the map? That might happen to any car that happens to hit that spot on the fly from the jump. At least it’s not out of bounds like you can get with the Leap of Faith danger sign near the church. Not sure if that’s been fixed by raising the invisible wall.

HA! I had this glitch once with the 599XX E as well!

Danger sign was a bit of a challenge for my Agera RS, but did it in few tries - taking it at an angle did the trick.
Trial … actually easy, if I could be racing against diveatars, but no luck there, so deal with people deliberately trying to push me around.
I seriously don’t understand some people in Trials, guess there was this entitled kid that couldn’t accept somebody else leading the race (I got honked from start on, as I had better grid position then them)
On first race I was in nice lead, but jump on last lap made my Raptor nosedive and roll (finished 4th).
Second race was actually a nice race as I was able to run away from everybody soon after start.
Third race … entitled kid strikes … well this kid did try to push me into a wall right at the start and missed, but had a friend that try to push me far from checkpoint (can’t imagine just a random guy to try and do that to me just after first one failed), luckily my Raptor seems to be a bit heavier then RAM and with a bit more power, so I could get away. So wish I would be recording at a time and post that.
End result was nice tho, 4th and 2x1st, with Trial win 2-1, but seriously considering not playing Trials any more, maybe just for new car if there is one (gave up on Playgrounds some time ago too).

Happy New Year everyone and good luck with playlist

Completely agree - still trying to get it after 2 hrs trying as own team keep ramming into me and causing me to miss checkpoint - PLEASE sort this behaviour like you did in freeform

Will try later when the kiddies are in bed!!

my team got lucky with ai. but every race half od are side would get chunk out. so we take on the ai instead.

It’s only my second trial… easy again. I noticed that I was the highest rank in the trial, and in Playground games. Looks like a lot of players are new.

They must be - I was in the crazy position of dragging my team to victory in the Trial - won the first two, and would have won the Titan if I wasn’t stupid enough to take the jump at the end, which naturally resulted in the drivatars colliding with me in mid-air sending me off into a wall with no detriment to themselves :joy:

BTW, anyone struggling with the Trial - the Nissan Titan Warrior Concept, if you have it, is a beast for it, and seems much less prone to flipping over than some of the other available options are.

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Big thanks for this tip, the Titan in these 3 events is fantastic to race.

Shame the human race I’ve encountered in it have been the complete opposite.

I’m pretty sure an S1 class rally tune on the Sprite can do the seasonal target for the Lakeshore Speed Zone. I mean, I couldn’t, because I kept running into the rock wall and loosing speed. But I have no doubt somebody who’s better at the game than me could do it. So you could theoretically combo that with the weekly Forzathon.

You can apparently do it with an A800 tune with winter tyres on the Sprite according to another forum. When I doubted that I got massively flamed.:no_mouth:

The seasonal jump is insane, I see a group of 15 people trying to get it and no one can, I’ve tried lots of cars but there is a bug with the ground just before the ramp, from around 5-10 meters until the point of leaving the ground it slows any car down to 200-210kmh just like when you try climbing the mountains around the edges of the map.

I think I hit about 150 mph maybe a little more on the jump and made it 750 feet. I went sort of to the left a bit. 4 or 5 tries maybe. There’s a bounce than you need to pick up speed again. I used Agera RS. Sbwl loverpeace tune. Has dirt tires. I use it a lot to do PR stunts. My club leader, he makes good tunes.