Entry Updated
Are old photos eligible? Took this one last year -
If its not eligible just let me know
If i do get a top 3 finish i would just like FM5 credits.
My Entry
Unicorn (if won): Mazda MX5 Superlight (FH)
My entry.
back6 by Tmlyonsb2000, on FlickrComp Entry
back2 by Tmlyonsb2000, on Flickr]Extra
back3 by Tmlyonsb2000, on Flickr]Extra2
My entry for round 4:
Updated my post on page 1
Hey Lethal, it’s not my comp but according to rule #11 it may not be eligible.
“11. please only enter shots you haven’t entered in any other comps. old entries are acceptable as extras.”
Yeah. I’ll change it just to be safe.
swtluu21: Lethal Drift:Entry if eligible. It was a Turn 10 Pick so if you want me to change the photo I can do that.
Hey Lethal, it’s not my comp but according to rule #11 it may not be eligible.
“11. please only enter shots you haven’t entered in any other comps. old entries are acceptable as extras.”
Yeah. I’ll change it just to be safe.
yep, luu is right. sorry about that (nice shot, though).
Entry updated
My entry
If eligible, IGN FM5 car pack
My entry:
Entry updated