Will Dev's continue to update this game?

You know like, maintenance, car bugs and all errors that will happen because they didnt really update or support Horizon 1…

On the 360? Highly doubtful.
On the Xbone? Of course.

The game just came out literally a week ago. For some, not even a week. Yeah they will continue to provide updates on the game.

On Xbox One I would expect the same as FM5 - lots of car packs and content for you to buy. As far as bug fixes go, a few minor ones may get patched but many big ones probably won’t be addressed. Like crashing to dash.

They fixed NOTHING in FM5, just shoved paid DLC down our throats instead. How about this, I will pay for them to give me the correct sound, tires, tail lights, handling, and other assorted details on every car in game if they release it in DLC form. It’s not like we didn’t pay for that when we bought the game in the first place or anything…

To answer your question directly, they won’t fix crap.