Why there's a cap on tune saves

So I have started to get this error as of late: “too many files of this type” (for different cars O.o?).
now I don’t know about the next guy but in forza 4 i spent millions buying and testing different tunes in pursuit of, for me anyway, the fastest tune for each car. I can’t understand why T10 would place a limit on the amount of tunes you can have.

Has anyone else got this error, I did a bit of googling. Unfortunately the original thread has gone into a black hole.
Any help would be appreciated, kind Regards.

The original thread didn’t say much iirc, just that there was a cap and who knows why.

I don’t know if they figured out if the cap was on all tunes, your tunes, shared tunes, or what.

Consensus was also that it seemed… “unproductive” to have this cap.

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I see, this is another one for the “WTF WERE THEY THINKING FOLDER”, sigh thanks for the reply.

How many is it? 255?

It’s been discussed before on the old forums and like it’s been said, no one really knows why they did this. It’s just one other thing added to the wish list and something they need to update in the future. Priority wise though, I’m sure this isn’t towards the top of the list.

the old forums/threads are at

Does t10 even see what where saying on these forums? Do they care. Do they ever or have ever made comment in the forza forums?

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Not very often but you will sometimes see T10 Helios post a quick reply acknowledging that they are aware of an issue or working on things. Just not as often as some people would like!

In response to the OP I have no idea why they would limit the number of tunes you can own-like the OP I often have multiple setups for cars and this cap will certainly make it a little trickier. Like someone else said I think the cap could be 255 although I have no supporting evidence at the moment!

I had an odd one with tunings the other day.

I bought my 5th tuning for the E21 and it said unable to purchase, so I went back and deleted an old rubbish tune I’d bought, I was then able to buy another two more before the error message came up!!

Mystery to me!!

I have no idea what the number is, some of my cars ‘had’ several track specific tunes for them, now I have about one or two so :(.

I just can’t believe there’s a tune cap I’m erasing tune every day I work hard on for new ones what genius thought this up lol wow I shouldn’t ask but can they screw up anymore stuff on this demo of a forza game

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If you would like to see something added or changed post here. I would also suggest doing it in a constructive way this time.