Is there any wonder u get so much anger n hate directed towards you…
So you add something that everyone uses and is enjoying, only to then remove it wow!!!
To replace it with the least competetive lobby in the game …A class lol…
Why not keep B class then add another ,C,X, even D …
Yes i know trying another class is good and it will appeal too other class drivers but you dont remove something thats not broken !!!
Im only going to say lookout n get ready for the barrage of complaints again …especially from the community members who campaigned tirelessly to get this implamented into the game …oh dear!!!
Personally i never used these lobbies, but i have quote a few friends who will be spitting the dummy out if this is true.
it would be such a shame to remove a popular feature
Leaves me to wonder if investment was so low in server capacity that something like this actually has an effect on performance.
One would think that the idea would be to have rooms like this for all classes at the same time, rather than swapping through the classes from week to week. Interesting, given that the B class, and indeed the very concept, seemed very well received on the forum. Popularity would beg for expansion I would think.
Couldnt have put it better myself, why not expand this type of race lobby to all classes?
For me, racing with collisions on or off is a joy, its the corner cutters and crashers that leave a bad taste…
If the majority of the community enjoy these lobbies, lets have all classes available to race with no collisions!
In my opinion such a roll out would be a roaring success.
I felt the same way when they cut the vintage series. They were by far the best lobbies I’ve seen in the game so far. T10 just likes to cycle things through and try things that others might prefer.
For real?
I’ve been a bit sceptical of these lobbies and the way they detract from the realism until yesterday.
I had a day off so invested my time wisely with some forza, after reaching 25 in a Buick I changed up to a class admittedly my tunes were a bit ropey but I expected to have some fun. The amount of crashing was outrageous but I persevered, and hid my frustration. After the update I thought I’d take the new alfa out for a laugh because frankly I thought it ugly and reminded me of the old Austin shed. D class but I thought it would be interesting I spent the next hour being chased and rammed by a tool in a raptor. No wonder people requested these lobbies!
The only irony is that most of the people I’ve raced against in B class have been courteous and clean.
Sorry if this isn’t the easiest post to read but I’ve written it on my phone.
I’m good with anything D-A as long as there’s one of those as an option but they sure could have a collisions off in multiple classes. If you can only have one set up just randomize class from race to race. That could actually be kind of fun. Change things up. I was getting to be dominant in the rooms I found in the B class one to the point I got a couple hate messages from other players but if things changed up and you threw more variables at someone maybe there’d be less dominating.
(For the record: I wasn’t even in any leaderboard car and would wait before crossing last lap so as not to time anyone out if I could.)
Yeah, I just saw that. Wondering how much of it I will partake in. I used the B Class one a lot. Not sure how much I’m looking forward to the “X-Bow Championships”. Personally, I would have liked C or D if they only wanted to have one.
I’m not going to pretend to know how much work it takes to have multiple collision-off lobbies. But, I think the usage of the B-Class one spoke for itself and a “more the merrier” approach would be appreciated.
I would assume the reason they dropped B class is to keep a good number of people in the no collision lobbies. If they had every class at once the user base would be too small and you would have a bunch of nearly empty lobbies.
Yup. I was thinking the exact same thing.
Yep, agree with OP. I spent a lot of time fine tuning my B Class Car collection to be competitive without always using a leaderboard car. Now it’s gone and I’m not happy. Rather than play A class no collisions I thought I’d race some B class collisions, I don’t think there was a single lap where I wasn’t bumped, even when I moved off the racing line to let a faster driver through.
I found that you get a lot better class of driver in no collisions with better skill. Please T10 - bring it back.
I found that you get a lot better class of driver in no collisions with better skill. Please T10 - bring it back.
You don’t. The slower traffic just has no bearing now. If you had the exact same people in the exact same cars with collisions on it would be just like a normal lobby. There would be crashing leading to rage and complaints.
I just use what T10 gives me. Done.
I liked B class!
T10, why are you taking away these lobbies? Is it server space? Game limitations? I don’t understand why there can’t be a no collision option for every lobby class. Some people prefer to hotlap against each other instead of the standard racing. Give it to them. We are the ones that pay your salary, in case you’ve forgotten.
I also enjoyed the B Class lobby from time to time. Sad to see it go.
I’m getting really frustrated by all these issues…
If the glitched/hacked leaderboard times weren’t bad enough, now this!
We used to turn to Forza when other titles frustrated the living cheese out of us, I really hope this stuff gets dealt with soon, for the wider communities sake.
I do’nt see non collision lobbys as the way forward ,its more like a place to go if the crashers are gettin to you.