hey guys in fh1 i was able to purchase tokens to buy the cars i want. i don’t have enough time to stay on the game and race for all of the credits so i would like to be able to buy tokens. anyone else know what I’m talking about or at least agree?
My assumption is that not enough people purchased them, or even used the ones that came with the LE editions of games. If that is the case, not programming a token system into the game probably saved them a lot of hours that they could use on something that most people would enjoy.
I do understand that some people who didn’t have the time to play the game a lot enjoyed the token system though.
I enjoyed the token system a lot. So to say everyone whined about them, isn’t accurate at all. That said, while sad they are gone, I’ll do without them easily enough.
The word “everyone” is hyperbolic, but it’s more or less the case.
If you head to the FM5 forums, there were tons of complaints about the tokens. People went way overboard, whining about being constantly told to buy tokens, blah blah blah.
The truth, of course, is that ignoring tokens requires no effort, but those people needed something to complain about, so they complained.
You didn’t see a lot of people saying, “Hey! I sure love these tokens!”
It was more along the lines of oh-I-can’t-believe-we’re-being-nickel-and-dimed-to-death-by-these-greedy-corporations-oh-grrrr-blah-blah-blah-I’m-so-angry-blah-blah-blah.
Truth is, the forums are a minority of the population of the game. So, forum complaints, still are not everyone, not even close. So it still isn’t right to say everyone, or assume everyone, when everyone, isn’t included at all.
Some people didn’t like them, some did. that, is more accurate. I was one of the some who did. It was great since I didn’t have the time to grind out credits and all I really care about is having fun on the game.
I didn’t whine about them, but I never used them. I’m happy they’re gone for one reason. I can now max out my reward level for Horizon 2, as opposed to Forza Motorsport 5, where I’d have to spend money on something I don’t need in order to max out the level.
That logic is flawed considering there are way better cars than the Bugatti and everything is class based. You’re not gonna race a Bugatti while you’re still in a starter car, the way the game is set up doesn’t allow that. Tokens didn’t hurt anyone.
I can’t say I care about tokens either way, but I can say that money comes relatively easy in this game. With only like 3-4 hours into the game I have like $400k and that’s after what I’ve spent on cars/mods; and with a good chunk of time spent screwing around, not racing.
Complaints if they do… complaints if they don’t. Turn 10 can’t win lol.
Personally I’ve never bought tokens and I don’t grudge any one else using them. That having been said though it does cheer me up somewhat to hear they’re not included in the game. Feels like the good ol’days when game items were unlocked via gameplay.
Lots of people complained about micro transactions in FM5 (Forza forums, gaming websites, etc). That’s why it isn’t in FH2. Probably will never be in another Forza title.
I never bought any tokens, personally. You want something, play the game to unlock. You got 1 yr till next FM game or 2 yrs till next FH game. You got plenty of time.
I only bought a few with FH1 to help find all the parts discount boards… I think it was $5. Other than that, they mean nothing to me… if someone wants to spend fairly large sums of real money just to have a virtual car in a video game, that’s their business. I haven’t spent a single token received with the LE of FM5 (purchased on release day in anticipation of buying my XB1), and never had a problem buying any car I wanted after actually playing it and earning the credits.
I have no idea who you think you are or what you think you’re doing but we were all reliably informed in hundreds of posts last year during the launch of FM5 that absolutely no one in the world likes the idea of tokens. Yet here you are claiming to be that which can clearly not exist.
That aside, tokens fell victim to the public backlash against entirely optional micro-transactions that were being foisted on players apparently at every turn and because they lack the willpower to resist the siren song of tokens, they struck out with their pitchforks and torches. Alas, poor tokens.
Personally I’m fine with tokens so long as they do not create a play-to-win scenario. There are plenty of players out there who would gladly purchase tokens to use in game to side-step some perceived grinding and I would not have any issue with a developer that was willing to provide an opportunity for players to give them more money instead of leaving it on the table. I wager we would all be stunned at just how many people happily plunked down $100 for tokens to purchase the Lotus E21 at launch in FM5 but there you have it.