Why is my account reset?

Someone help i logged onto a friends xbox one to play the game i logged back onto mine to play and i was reset i had to start all over from level 191 please help me get my level and cars back thanks.


Try syncing your game save from the cloud to your console to ensure you are playing the most up to date version of your gamesave.

Have you done this already, and if not, do you know how?

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double post - internet issues - sorry.

you have not been reset. Going back on your console it would have synced to the local save first. which would be the save before you went on your friends. make sure you still have the save on your friends then delete the local save on your console and then re-sync. it should then sync to the cloud where the other save from the friends console is.

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Thanks for helping guys but I’m pretty new to this so I’m not really sure if you can explain it’d be nice

You did not have any save data at your friend’s house so the game synced over there, right? Everything was just like you left it at your house previously? And now at your house you have no progress?

The following links may prove useful to look through:
Using Cloud Game Saves

What V8 Goldfish is recommending is this:

The option I would pick is the on to delete from console and then launch the game. This will cause whatever file you have saved in the cloud to sync to your console. Be wary though, the reason your game started over may be because you somehow, accidentally, overrode you gamesave and sunk it to the cloud. If everything has gone well, the sync will finish and your game data will be there.

Power Cycling the console
Solving Xbox One Sync Issues
Properly Quitting Games to Allow Sync

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Thanks for the help but I’m affraid it didn’t work.

You may be straight outta luck.

Try the e-mail from my first post. forzafb@microsoft.com

Thanks for all the help i was told by xbox support to factory reset my xbox and re download and install the game and then it would work so it’s in the process. Any one feel free to add me gt: TheIVsknBandit