So I’ve been reading through a couple posts around the forums, and seen a lot of posts about wreckers and track cutters. And I’ve seen how snowowl has banned a few of these ppl for their behavior. Now, even tho I never played fm4, or 5 online much, I don’t remember there being so many trouble makers! I remember a lot of nice fun clean racing! Especially fm4! I met some really cool ppl and really good racers just hopping around. Now… you have to struggle just to fund a lobby with half decent racers!
A couple days ago I commented on a thread about how chat doesn’t work, and the vote to kick option is pointless. No one really responded to my comment, but I was a little off topic with what I said. So here’s a thread all about it!
WHY HASN’T CHAT BEEN FIXED YET!?!?! I remember a lot of situations in fm4 (where lobby chat WORKED!) when I would be in a lobby with clean racers (witch was most ppl back then) and then a “greifer” would join the room. They would bump and bash, cut track where they could, and cause chaos! And you know what happened ? WE THE RACERS would deal with it! Since we could easily communicate with each other we would be able to talk about the @$$#0/{ and how we needed to kick him from the lobby! So then when the race was over, and we were back in the lobby, we would “vote to kick”.
That brings me to the voting system. In fm4, when anyone voted to kick any other person from the room, the vote went public! A notice would pop up on everyone’s screen and everyone would be informed of who was being kicked out!
So here’s the issue. Now, in fm6, if there’s a cheater in the room (crasher/cutter) none of us can have a discussion about the guy that’s causing problems cause chat never works! And because we can’t discuss it, we can’t all agree to vote to kick someone due to their behavior! So when we get back to the lobby, no one votes cause really… what’s the point?
Now every keeps telling me “join a party!” NO!! I WILL NOT JOIN A PARTY! there’s lobby chat for a reason. So that everyone in the room can talk to each other! In fact, I think it’s rediculus that you can be in a public lobby, and be in a privet party! Why is this so? If you want to race with the public… then you should have to be in the same chat system as the public.
Anyways, my point is, if they would fix these 2 things (chat/vote to kick made public) then I think we would see a different pace of conversation about “greifers” here in the forums. If we had the ability to talk to each other, and public votes to kick ppl out… maybe that would make a difference in how crappy the lobbies have become. I know that this will not solve ALL issues with greifers… but it’s a start!