Why do I have to set a route on the map every time I start the game since updated

I’m not sure why this is happening and it is annoying. Every time I start the game on PC it shows the new story icon with the snap sound it pops on the map and it makes me set a route there before I can get in the game. Is this some unfinished thing I have or is this new? Either way it’s ridiculous, it should just take you to your car like it used to.

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Same with me on XSX and XBox One S, so not only PC. Hoped it would have been gone after change of season but alas.

Yep, nothing you’ve missed/unfinished, just another bug. And also on XBox One original so it looks like all platforms. You can hit the button for the accolades screen when it pops that set route up and go around it that way, which isn’t really a solution at all but maybe one less button press ?

You can even go to the Accolades and then use B on the controller in the end exiting to your starting point without setting a course.

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Just Press B to exit the map and you’ll be back at home…

Yeah, you can just exit the map.

Hmm not in my case. Up and until know when I’m pushed to that map which ‘demands’ to set a route ‘B’ does not work. I have to enter the Accolades screen and then B-B works.

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That’s odd.
It even says push B to exit map while you’re on the screen.
Only two choices - Press A to set a route or Press B to exit map.
Not sure why yours doesn’t.
Have you left it for a sec or two to fully load the map screen ?

Yep this doesn’t work. I’m also on a wheel and don’t have a B button but I have a button assigned to it and that doesn’t work. I have to actually set a route to one of the story orange yellow icons. Sometimes I even have to move around and set it twice before it will exit the map.

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I’ll recheck, but not within the next 15 hrs or so. Sleep, work and the lot you know. I recall the screen to only have the A option for Set Route.

Yep, same. It won’t let me off the Set Route map page unless I set a route or do the accolade dance. And if I set a route there then back out I’ve got to open the map again to delete the route.

The first couple times last week I even did a couple runs to the fully completed new origins story (one fast travel, one driving) and redid a chapter again just to see if that would put it to bed. Nope.

switch your home to hotel castillo and you should be able to exit via B button :grin:

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Pretty sure yeah. B just does nothing. Sooo, maybe the bug is buggier for some ?

Must be something to do with the button mapping.
I use a wheel and the B button works fine for exiting the map.
I’ve remapped a few buttons and clutch pedal but not sure if I did this one.

I don’t even bother to ask why that should work :smiley::smiley:. It just might. Signing off for now

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Can confirm B doesn’t work for me: It REALLY wants me to do the Origins story again despite 3 staring the thing already.

I’m going to try to do the first chapter again and see if that makes it calm down.

Players complained about a lack of replayable content. PGG added bugs so that you could replay content. Now players complain about said replayable content. Players will never be happy…


No Idea - had already 3 starred it as well.
Maybe just set the route then then unset it and go somewhere else?
or just set the route, stop and fast travel then exit.
Doubt you’ll get anything from the Devs on this.
Sorry - can’t offer anything to help as on my screen I can just exit with the B button and it just puts me back to the home location.

That’s what I usually did, but I tried doing the first chapter again and see if that makes something snap.

Sadly can confirm redoing the first chapter does not fix the problem. Can’t think of a player side fix, so minor annoyance upon logging in!

This thread is surely solved and can be pinned, no?

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